Our newly elected President confirmed that we did have a quorum for the meeting.

There was a total of 23 people in attendance including 1 visitor.

Our President led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Our President reminded everyone to sign in, pay dues, purchase raffle tickets and all that good stuff.

Introductions were made by everyone present

Secretaries Report:  Minute Minutes of the 10th of January 2025 meeting were presented and approved.

Treasurer Report:   As there hasn’t been a bank statement available for a while a motion was made to accept the lack of a Treasure’s Report for this month.  Gary, WL7WU, reports that this is $1921.94 plus dues as they come in during the meeting as this is the month to renew memberships.  Did you renew yet???

Sunshine Fund:  There has been no change in the Sunshine Fund.  Please keep Debbie, KA6GRL, advised if there is a need.  Jerry Fuge, KC7ILH, has been in and out of the hospital with COPD over the past few months.  Next time you see him wish him well!  [note: as this is written, Jerry is back in the hospital at Mountain View in Las Vegas.

New member welcomed to the club:  Ernest Peltz, KI7HQA.

Announcements / Discussion: There were no general announcements.

Old Business: There was no old business to discuss.

New Business:

Technical Report:  Jerry, N7HYV, reports that the new 70 ft tower is up, but the antennas and supporting equipment has not been moved yet.

There was a basic discussion of happenings with the outbreak of NORO Virus and the Flu and that there has been no change with the Pahrump/Nye County Museum.

Winter Field Day has passed.  Did you participate?  Any news?

I asked if there was any interest in general contesting but did not receiving any comments.

Debbie, KA6GRL, piped up that the standard annual ARRL Field Day will be June 28 and 29 at the very end of the month.

Jerry, N7HYV, asked if there were alternate sites possible for Field Day locations.  One option is the use the EOC and have a BBQ at the same time!

General Mention was made from David, NE7G, regarding the ARRL and its recent changes.  A new amendment was introduced that limits the ability to run against incumbent office holders.  I asked our members to look into the ARRL and comment to our Director and the League itself.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 5:48 pm.

Next Meeting

The next club meeting will be on Friday February 14th, 2025, at 5:15 pm at the new location:

Nye County Emergency Operations Center (EOC), 1510 Siri Ln, Pahrump, NV 89060.

After the meeting we held the usual Raffle.  The pot held a total of $70.00, with $35.00 going to the club and $35.00 going to Jerry Fuge, KC6ILH.

The Sunshine Fund collected $5.00.


Submitted by David M. Anderson, NE7G, Secretary PARRA